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public interface


Class Overview

Interface for use by the app to integrate App CA with Policy Assurance support.


Public Methods
abstract void remediateCompliance(String upn, String aadId, String tenantId, String authority, boolean showUX)
If an unmanaged app requests a token for an App CA with Policy Assurance protected resource, ADAL will return an error indicating that compliance with Intune policy protection is required.

Public Methods

public abstract void remediateCompliance (String upn, String aadId, String tenantId, String authority, boolean showUX)

If an unmanaged app requests a token for an App CA with Policy Assurance protected resource, ADAL will return an error indicating that compliance with Intune policy protection is required. At that point, the app should call this method to attempt to gain compliance. The status will be sent via notification, and if successful the app can attempt to acquire the token via ADAL again.

upn the UPN of the account.
aadId the AAD Id of the account. Can be found after successful ADAL authentication from AuthenticationResult.getUserInfo().getUserId()
tenantId the tenant id of the account. Can be null if the tenant id is not known but that is not recommended since the tenant id is used for telemetry events to correlate users with tenants. Can be found after successful ADAL authentication from AuthenticationResult.getTenantId()
authority the authority used to acquire tokens for the account. This is used for sovereign cloud support for apps that support it. Pass null if the app doesn't support sovereign clouds or is using the default public cloud.
showUX true to have the MAM SDK display a blocking UX while compliance is being remediated. False to show no UX, in which case the app should display its own blocking UX or otherwise handle the wait for the compliance notification.