ADALConnectionDetails | Allows configuring setting used for authentication policy at runtime, rather than in the AndroidManifest, via
registerADALConnectionDetails(String, ADALConnectionDetails) . |
AllowedAccountInfo | Provides information about an account which is permitted to sign in to the app. |
AllowedAccounts | Allows an app to find out whether the accounts allowed to be signed in are restricted and if so which accounts are allowed. |
AllowedAccountsListener | Listener for AllowedAccounts. |
AppIdentitySwitchReason | Value passed to an activity's onMAMIdentitySwitchRequired callback to provide information on why the identity switch is occurring. |
AppIdentitySwitchResult | Values which the application can use when reporting to MAM whether or not an identity switch was successful. |
AppIdentitySwitchResultCallback | Callback used for the application to report to MAM the success or failure of an identity switch. |
AppPolicy | Information about the admin-configured policy for this app. |
ExternalIdentityUtils | Utility functions for converting String parameters to MAMIdentities, for use in External code. |
HookedActivity | Allow access to an Activity's super class implementation. |
HookedApplication | Allow access to an Application's super class implementation. |
HookedDialogFragmentBase | Allow access to a DialogFragment's super class implementation. |
HookedFragmentBase | Allow access to an Fragment's super class implementation. |
HookedJobIntentService | MAM interface to link External and Internal. |
HookedService | Allow access to an Service's super class implementation. |
IdentitySwitchOption | Options that may be specified when an app requests a UI identity switch. |
MAMAccountAuthenticatorActivity | Managed version of android.accounts.AccountAuthenticatorActivity. |
MAMActivity | MAM version of |
MAMActivityBlockingListener | Allows an app to respond to blocking actions. |
MAMActivityGroup | Managed version of |
MAMActivityIdentityRequirementListener | Allows an app to respond to requests to switch identity. |
MAMActivityIdentitySwitchListener | Allows an app to respond to completed identity switches. |
MAMAlertDialogBuilder | Class that builds managed AlertDialogs. |
MAMAliasActivity | Managed version of |
MAMAppConfig | Represents the custom app configuration data configured for a given user with MAM or with Android Enterprise. |
MAMAppConfig.BooleanQueryType | Conflict resolution types for Boolean values. |
MAMAppConfig.NumberQueryType | Conflict resolution types for integer and double values. |
MAMAppConfig.StringQueryType | Conflict resolution types for Strings. |
MAMAppConfigBase | Represents the custom app configuration data configured for a given user with MAM or with Android Enterprise. |
MAMAppConfigManager | Allows retrieving the MAMAppConfig for a given user. |
MAMApplication | Managed version of |
MAMAsyncTask<Params, Progress, Result> | MAM wrapper around AsyncTask. |
MAMBackupAgent | MAM version of BackupAgent. |
MAMBackupAgentHelper | BackupAgentHelper that can be restricted. |
MAMBackupDataInput | MAM representation of a BackupDataInput. |
MAMBinder | MAM version of Binder. |
MAMBroadcastReceiver | MAM version of BroadcastReceiver. |
MAMCAComplianceStatus | Enum of possible compliance statuses, returned via notification in an instance of MAMComplianceNotification after a call to MAMComplianceManager#remediateCompliance(). |
MAMCertificatePinningManager | The MAMCertificatePinningManager has methods to enable certificate pinning for apps, according to the Intune cert pinning configuration received from the MAM Service. |
MAMCertTrustWebViewClient | MAMCertTrustWebViewClient is a custom implementation of the class android.webkit.WebViewClient that provides a way to handle the SSL error in a WebView. |
MAMClipboard | MAM wrapper around ClipboardManager. |
MAMCloudMediaProvider | |
MAMComplianceManager | Interface for use by the app to integrate App CA with Policy Assurance support. |
MAMComplianceNotification | MAMNotification with the result of attempting to remediate compliance for App Protection CA. |
MAMComponents | Android MAM client core components. |
MAMConfigOnly | Android MAM config-only client. |
MAMContentProvider | MAM version of ContentProvider. |
MAMContentProviderClientManagement | MAM wrapper around ContentProviderClient. |
MAMContentResolverManagement | MAM wrapper around ContentResolver. |
MAMDataProtectionInfo | Protection information on some data. |
MAMDataProtectionManager | Data protection management facilities. |
MAMDefaultBackupAgent | This class serves as a default backup agent for apps targeting API 23+ who want to have automatic, policy compliant, full back ups with or without an XML configuration file. |
MAMDialog | MAM version of |
MAMDialogFragment | MAM version of |
MAMDocumentsProvider | MAM version of DocumentsProvider. |
MAMDownloadManagement | MAM wrapper around DownloadManager. |
MAMEnrollmentManager | Interface for exposing the MAMService's enrollment functionality. |
MAMEnrollmentManager.Result | Result codes returned directly and through notifications. |
MAMEnrollmentNotification | MAMNotification with result of an attempt to enroll the app/user with the MAM Service. |
MAMExpandableListActivity | Managed version of |
MAMFileBackupHelper | MAM version FileBackupHelper. |
MAMFileProtectionInfo | Protection information on a file. |
MAMFileProtectionManager | File protection management facilities. |
MAMFragment | MAM version of |
MAMIdentityExecutors | Wrap executors to automatically copy a MAM identity to any started tasks. |
MAMIdentityOIDRunnable | A runnable which always executes under the given identity. |
MAMIdentityRequirementListener | Allows an app to respond to requests to switch identity. |
MAMIdentityRunnable |
This class is deprecated.
Use MAMIdentityOIDRunnable .
MAMIdentitySwitchResult | The result of an identity switch. |
MAMIntentService | MAM version of |
MAMKeyNotAvailableException | Exception thrown from MAMDataProtectionManager when data cannot be decrypted because the app is no longer managed. |
MAMLauncherActivity | Managed version of |
MAMListActivity | Managed version of |
MAMListFragment | MAM version of |
MAMLogCollectionNotification | MAM notification indicating that the app needs to upload its own diagnostic logs to the log service of their choice (e.g. |
MAMLogHandlerWrapper | Log handler interface that allows your app to register for MAM log messages. |
MAMNativeActivity | Managed version of |
MAMNotification | Base notification. |
MAMNotificationManagement | MAM wrapper around NotificationManager. |
MAMNotificationReceiver | Allows receiving notifications of MAM events. |
MAMNotificationReceiverRegistry | Interface to register MAMNotificationReceiver s. |
MAMNotificationType | Types of notifications that can be delivered to receivers registered with
MAMNotificationReceiverRegistry . |
MAMPendingIntent | MAM wrapper around PendingIntentFactory. |
MAMPolicyManager | Allows multi-identity apps to specify the current identity, which will determine the active policy. |
MAMPreferenceActivity | Managed version of android.preference.PreferenceActivity. |
MAMProtectionInfo | Protection information. |
MAMService | MAM version of |
MAMServiceAuthenticationCallback | The app must implement this interface to allow the SDK to request an ADAL token for the given user and resource. |
MAMServiceAuthenticationCallbackExtended | An extension to the MAMServiceAuthenticationCallback interface to add an acquireToken overload that takes the authority parameter. |
MAMSetUIIdentityCallback | MAMPolicyManager callback Interface. |
MAMSharedPreferencesBackupHelper | MAM version of SharedPreferencesBackupHelper. |
MAMStrictCheck | Enumeration of MAM Strict Mode checks. |
MAMStrictMode | MAM Strict Mode is intended to catch "smells" in usage of MAM APIs or MAM-restricted platform APIs. |
MAMStrictViolationHandler | MAMStrictMode error handler. |
MAMTabActivity | Managed version of |
MAMTaskStackBuilder | MAM version of |
MAMThemeManager | Allows a custom theme to be applied to all MAM screens and dialogs. |
MAMTrustedRootCertsManager | A utility class that provides methods for receiving trusted root certificates from the MAM service and leveraging these certificates in your application to verify a server host on client SSL/TLS connections. |
MAMUIHelperBehavior | Behavior for MAMUIHelper. |
MAMUserInfo | Information about the managed user, if any. |
MAMUserNotification | MAMNotification which has relevance to a specific user. |
NotificationRestriction | Level of restriction on notifications shown by the app for the user associated with this policy. |
OpenLocation | Known locations that can be restricted in MAM apps for opening data from. |
SaveLocation | Known cloud storage locations that can be restricted in MAM apps. |
StrictGlobalSettings | Global strict-mode settings. |
StrictScopedDisable | Closeable object returned by StrictThreadSettings disabledScoped methods. |
StrictThreadSettings | Per-thread MAM strict-mode settings. |